Peace Building and Trust Building:
Bridging Youth, Women and the Community
International Symposium
organised by
Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University,
Institute for Peace Science (IPSHU), Hiroshima University, University for Peace (UPEACE), United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR), in collaboration with Coventry University, UK.
Building peace in the wake of armed conflict is one of the most important and most difficult tasks of our time. It is an undertaking that requires not just the top-down efforts of nation states and international organisations, but also peacebuilding from the bottom up, involving all groups of a community, including those who are the most vulnerable. What is more, a new initiative at Hiroshima University, in collaboration with Coventry University, is the first to systematically explore trust as a key element in achieving lasting and stable peace.
University for Peace echoes this innovative initiative, facilitating peace dialogue among youth, women and the community. Innovative peace practitioners are empowered to express their opinions on Peace for All.
The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) has long institutional expertise in developing and delivering training on diverse, global contemporary issues. In addition, the UNITAR Hiroshima Office, through many years of experience in implementing training for conflict and post-conflict countries, including South Sudan, Afghanistan, and Iraq, has a unique understanding of the needs of participants as they work toward peace and stability.
This symposium marks a new development of peacebuilding in theory and practice. It links peace building to trust building, and explores the often underappreciated role that especially women and young people can take in these processes.
平和大学は、若者、女性、コミュニティの間の平和的対話を促進し、革新的平和(Innovative Peace)を提唱しており、広島大学の取り組みと方向性を一にしています。革新的平和の実践者は、’Peace for All (みんなの平和)’について自らの意見を発信する力があります。
Click the photo to see the complete profile
Professor and Vice Dean of IDEC Former Senior Research Fellow of JICA Research Institute, Political Advisor of the Office of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Bosnia and Herzegovina.She holds an LL.M. in international human rights law from Essex University and a Ph.D. in law from Warwick University. Her research interests are peacebuilding, conflict resolution and international law, particularly international human rights.
Head of UNITAR, Hiroshima Office She has over 22 years of professional experience in the development cooperation field and has been with the United Nations for 16 years (Vietnam, New York, Samoa, the Cook Islands, Niue and Tokelau and Indonesia). Currently, Ms. Kumamoto is the head of UNITAR Hiroshima office since 2014.
Resident Professor University for Peace (UPEACE) Resident Professor and Head of Doctoral Programme of the UN mandated University for Peace) in Costa Rica. She worked as the Recovery, Reintegration and Peace Building Officer of United Nations Mission in South Sudan. In addition, she worked in UNDP offices in Kazakhstan, Maldives, Lao PDR and Solomon Islands, and UNCRD (Disaster Management). She holds a Ph.D. Degree in Sustainable Development from Imperial College London, UK.
Visiting Professor, IDEC and Coventry University Research Fellow (permanent; ≈ U.S. Associate Research Professor) at the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations at Coventry University. Frens has taught at sociology departments and business schools in the UK, Germany and Switzerland, currently is a visiting professor at the University of Hiroshima.
Professor and Dean of IDEC His current research interests are in the areas of mathematics education and school management in the context of international cooperation. Professor Baba has extensive experience working as a teacher and a researcher across a range of countries. He has been a project director of cross-cultural research studies funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS).
Director of Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, Coventry University He has 20 years field research experience in the politics of humanitarian interventions, conflict prevention, disaster response, security sector reform, reintegration of former combatants and post-conflict state building. Experience in Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, El Salvador, Kosovo, Lebanon, Liberia, Nigeria, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan and Turkey.
Research Fellow, Coventry University, UK Her research explores the lived experiences of peacebuilding and transitional justice in post-war contexts, specifically Bosnia-Herzegovina. Her research focuses on marginaised groups such as survivors of wartime sexual and gender based violence and critically explores how these groups begin to ‘belong’ within these contexts using ethnographic and participatory methods.
Professor of IDEC and Institute for Peace Science The Institute for Peace Science, to which Professor Kawano belongs, is the first academic research organization in the field of peace studies at a national university in Japan. The core part of his research focuses on the atomic bomb survivors from Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and he conducts comparative research on Semipalatinsk, Chernobyl and Fukushima, which have also experienced nuclear damage.
University for Peace (UPEACE) She worked for almost seven years in health section during the Taliban regime in Afghanistan where she worked with refugees and IDPs in Herat (Afghanistan) and Pediatric ward of the regional hospital. In 2008, she graduated from Herat University and in 2012 she was awarded with the ALP scholarship. Currently, she works as an Program Officer - Gender in Humanitarian Action with UN Women Kabul.
University for Peace (UPEACE) Bachelor’s degree in law from the International Christian University, Japan. Currently she is pursuing a dual master’s degrees in Political Science at the Ateneo de Manila University in the Philippines and in Gender and Peacebuilding at the United Nations-mandated University for Peace in Costa Rica. Her studies are focusing on the prevention of human trafficking from human security approach.
University for Peace (UPEACE) Bachelor’ Graduated from University for Peace where she studied Gender and Peacebuilding under Peace and Conflict Studies. In the class room, she studied intersectional inequality across age, ethnicity, race, class, caste, geography, and gender, specifically in regions where women, girls and minority groups are disproportionately suffering. Mari is currently working at Human Rights Now, a Tokyo-based international human rights NGO with a special focus on Asia.
NGO Activist Graduatex from the University for Peace in San José, Costa Rica where where she studied International Law and Human Rights. Her original background are Film Studies, but inspired by her father, became activist working for a non-governmental organisation.
Hiroshima University Student on a master’s program at Hiroshima University. Regarding activities outside of university, she is involved with ‘Regional activation at depopulated areas’ Or I am involved with regeneration of social and commercial structures at depopulated areas, and also in regions where natural disasters have occurred, which involves seeing the situation and communicating with the local people.
Hiroshima Jogakuin High School She is a high school 12th grade student and a third generation atomic bomb survivor. She is interested in peace related issues, particularly issues surrounding nuclear weapons. In 2016, Runa was nominated as UNITAR Youth Ambassador, and participated in various activities for peace building.
Associate Organisers